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CPD Day – The Embodied Nervous System with Jo Grace

May 18, 2024 @ 10:00 16:00

A training incorporating an overview of Stephen Porge’s Polyvagal
Theory, the work of Organic Intelligence and Attachment Theory to
connect the practitioner to the underlying biology when working with
a client.

Our bodies carry the imprints and specific autonomic nervous
system regulating patterns learnt during our 0-7 years according to
the environment and caregiving we received. These create
particular patterns, behaviours, thoughts and beliefs in how we
connect to the world.

Eric Berne of Transactional Analysis referred to this as the Script
“A life plan made in childhood, reinforced by parents and justified by
subsequent events and culminating in a chosen alternative”

This workshop will introduce:
● The Autonomic Nervous System and it role in
● Connecting this to 0-7 year development, Attachment theory
and trauma patterns

● The Polyvagal theory in understanding this in relation to
client’s (and our own) Life scripts, present states and stories.
● Using an awareness of this when working with clients through
a range of somatic (body) awareness practices.
● Creative and body based activities to support more self
awareness (for both), self regulation and co-regulation in the
therapeutic space.

To sign up, please email us at enquiries@individualpsychologytraining.co.uk, or book on Eventbrite.


Mwldan Business Centre, Cardigan

Mwldan Business Centre
Cardigan, SA43 1JY United Kingdom